Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happy, healthy campers: Meeting children's need for physical activity through summer camps

Children in the United States are among those most vulnerable to childhood obesity and its associated diseases. Parents should cultivating an interest in physical activity early on in their children's lives to prevent the malaise that affects childhood and beyond.

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Summer camps offer some of the best ways to introduce children and adolescents to physically engaging outdoor activities. Summer camps and their activities can help fill the void of required physical activity that children lack during the summer months when they are off school. Research shows that by attending summer camps, children meet their daily recommended levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.

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Summer camps are most effective in keeping children and teens active when they encourage group activities between friends and when they provide a host of amenities such as swimming areas and trails. The approach to each activity is also important; while friendly competition is very engaging, it is just as important to encourage as many campers to participate as it is to get them motivated to win.
Variety is also important. Each child has different preferences and may want to experiment with new activities. Camps with a wide array of programs and activities can keep a camper active by providing them with an assortment of new things to try.

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The owner and director of Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods family of camps, Dayna Hardin is a well-known figure in the industry and serves as the vice president of the American Camp Association's national board. Visit this website for more updates on her camps and its programs.

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